C.L.E Radio interviews Marv4morebeats, one of the hottest Christian Producers currently working. He has a ton of credits out there right now, but did you know he has dealt with pride on many levels? What does it feel like one some of the most well known artist call you to get tracks produced for their albums. Since we are all sinners and deal with pride it can be a testy situation by the natural flaws we are challenged by. Marv really shares his heart on this interview. We also talk to BJ from Fellowship Memphis as he explains how pride can effect our daily walk and how it can block God from using us daily. Whats really cool about all this is that we also still offer the free mix-tape with this show...that's right all beats!!!! 20 minutes of blends from Marv and DJ Eklectic.
Listen Here!Dont forget to download the Free mixtape:
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